Hello everyone..
I hope you all survived the summer holiday.
I am arranging our next (well needed ) parent cafe for this coming Thursday 13th September. We will be meeting at bhs cafe Aylesbury (upstairs cafe not downstairs) at 9.30.
Hope to see you there. 

calling all mams dads ad parent personage in general
i know a busy end of term week but Parent cafe will be meeting Monday 16th July  at bhs cafe 10am (upstairs)
all welcome! 

hello everyone,
Next parent cafe will be held on Wednesday 27th June.
It will be held in the museum gardens if weather is nice. Museum opens at 10 am.
Hope to see you all then 

This group has been set up by community unity projects.
It is an informal group for parents to meet and chat.
We meet once a month

If you have any questions or want more information about this group either send  a message or call  on 07821736231.